make-up meditation.
Mediation doesn’t appeal to everyone, traditionally associated with sitting cross-legged on the floor of a clean, white, airy bedroom with candles lit and plinky-plonky music in the background burning sage - or whatever the new modern ritual is!
Sounds idyllic and I am a tad envious of those that incorporate this into their daily routine but this doesn’t typically resonate with us, especially since meditation is the awareness of ‘nothing’ and we consider every moment of the day an opportunity to do more - not less. Mindfulness however, is the awareness of ‘something’ and essentially means being present in the moment. This I am pleased to say CAN be incorporated into everyday life.
Did you think your routine of applying make-up in the morning is a mindful meditation practice? In all honesty I didn’t until just recently!
I have always loved applying make-up, it’s not that I do not feel comfortable without wearing it but for me it means I am ready to face the day ahead. Managing two busy salons, managing a team and being client facing - I have to be mentally ready for anything fired my way. Recently I had to rush out the door with an unexpected business emergency, sometimes business can be unpredictable and something I am used to but I sacrificed my 20-30 minutes of my make-up routine to get out the front door and to the salon. I felt out of sorts, I felt harassed, a bit stressed and not quite ‘ready’. Don’t get me wrong, I took the bull by the horns (so to speak) and had no option than to face the challenges ahead but what I realised is how much I needed and more importantly wanted that time applying my make-up.
I have now come to realise that in fact this time, I practice mindfulness in a very organic and genuine way. I sit down in front of my mirror, quite often a cup of tea next to my brush kit, either a podcast or some music on lightly in the back ground and focus totally on the here and now, observing any troublesome thoughts or feelings without judgement. Feeling relaxed, emerging myself in my eyeshadow of choice and enhancing my facial features - I feel confidence and ready to face whatever may come my way.
For you, make-up might not be relaxing and you may not enjoy the process of putting it on - or you might not wear make-up and that is perfectly fine. What works for one person may not work for another, ultimately it’s about finding your own peace, your own mindful moments that will be entirely unique. Forcing yourself to sit like Buddha doesn't have to be the only way to find calm in your busy day or in life.
Embrace being present in your moment.